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Inc. Magazine Names
Hughes Marino as a 2018
Best Workplace

By Shay Hughes

Today is a great day for Hughes Marino, as we are ecstatic and honored to announce that we made Inc. Magazine’s list of 2018 Best Workplaces! Revealed today in their June issue and online, Inc.’s list is the result of their wide-ranging and comprehensive measurement of private American companies who have created exceptional workplaces through vibrant cultures, deep employee engagement, and generous benefits. Out of thousands of applicants, Inc. singled out 285 winning companies, and we are truly humbled to be one of them!

Hughes Marino Los Angeles

To be continuously recognized by national publications for our commitment to our team has been incredibly invigorating. We pride ourselves on our tight-knit culture and will always make it a priority to provide a nurturing environment for our team to grow and thrive. Hughes Marino Chairman & CEO Jason Hughes and I want all of our team members to be happy, fulfilled, motivated and ultimately successful–in both their personal and professional lives. That happiness radiates throughout our industry and benefits our clients tremendously.

Hughes Marino Los Angeles

Our team is like family. By finding exceptional individuals who embody our cherished Core Values, we continue to foster nurturing and beautiful work environments with resources and support that make our team members feel like they are part of a family away from home. We believe, and have seen firsthand, that if we invest in our team members, they will invest their time and talent right back and deliver excellent service to our clients.

Hughes Marino Los Angeles

For insight into how the results were calculated, Inc. assessed companies on the basis of benefits offered and team member’s responses to a unique, 30-question survey fielded by each of the applying companies. “By including an employee survey into this year’s Best Workplaces selection process, we’ve really raised the bar. Companies that don’t score at the very top of their peer group don’t make the cut. So, our hats are off to the winners. They all excelled at engaging their workers, making them feel appreciated, and aligning them behind a mission. And remember, that’s not just our opinion: The employees told us that themselves.” says James Ledbetter, Inc. editor-in-chief.

Hughes Marino Los Angeles

We send our heartfelt congratulations to all of the companies who made the list. To be named amongst so many businesses that are on a mission to take amazing care of their team members and build amazing company cultures in the process is exciting and inspiring. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our company and our team!


Shay Hughes is president & COO of Hughes Marino, an award-winning commercial real estate company specializing in tenant representation and building purchases with offices across the nation. Shay writes about business leadership and company culture on her blog, Lead from Within. Contact Shay at 1-844-662-6635 or shay.hughes@hughesmarino.com to learn more.

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