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Our May 2018 HM Mini Goal – Show Some Love to Seniors

By John Jarvis

Youthful Hughes Marino Mini Goalers!

Thank you! Thank you for all you are doing every month in 2018 to make the world a better place. Thank you for playing along!

And thank you for taking care of kids in April.

Hughes Marino Los Angeles

Heather Fox dropped off some sweet treats to her daughter Sophia’s after school program to brighten their Friday. Our friend Mary-Jo and her daughter Gwendolyn volunteered at LA Kitchen and helped create meals for local shelters that serve children, family and seniors. Our friends at Westgroup Designs raised money to help Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Thank you all for your kind gestures!

Hughes Marino Los Angeles

For my part, I get to tell you about my work with YMCA Overnight Camps, where I serve on the Board of Advisors. In today’s age of ubiquitous electronics, where kids spend an average of seven minutes a day playing outside and an average of seven hours a day in front of an electronic screen in one form or another, I volunteer my time and treasure every month to support three fantastic overnight camps in San Diego: Camp Marston, Camp Surf and Raintree Ranch. Kids need safe places where they can get outdoors, run, play and unplug to recharge. Camp is good medicine for Nature Deficit Disorder.

Hughes Marino Los Angeles
Image via YMCA.org.

By the way, it’s not just kids that need to get outside!

And speaking of older adults, our May Mini Goal is to:

Show some love to seniors!

OK, I have to be careful here. Did you know that the age requirement to join AARP is 50? Suddenly I feel a little tired. So however you define seniors, let’s show them some love. With advanced age can come a decrease in mobility and socialization and a corresponding increase in isolation and loneliness. Ugh, that sentence is so sad. So let’s get out and show some love to the trailblazers who came before us. Enjoy a meal together. Share stories, yours and theirs. Maybe take a walk and enjoy the beautiful weather.

As always, be sure to tag your good deeds with #hmminigoals and send us your photos to minigoals@hughesmarino.com. We can’t wait to see what you do for May!

We’ll do it, because we said we would. This is how we grow, right?  (Now I think I need a nap.)

John Jarvis is a managing director at Hughes Marino, a global corporate real estate advisory firm that specializes in representing tenants and buyers. Contact John at 1-844-662-6635 or john@hughesmarino.com to learn more.

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