CoStar expanded its footprint by 7,500 SF within a very desirable building. The space includes high-end finishes, corporate design, state of the art conference rooms, and intricate lighting consistent with the CoStar brand. Because CoStar relies on the frequent use of video conferencing, Hughes Marino, Perkins + Will, Wiedenbach Brown, and Back’s Construction worked together to perfect the technology, A/V components, and conference room aesthetics.
Added Value
This is Hughes Marino’s second project with CoStar, acting as boots on the ground and providing local knowledge and management to the company’s real estate and construction team. Additionally, Hughes Marino ensured the proposed design met CoStar’s internal project budgets, including reducing the budget by nearly $90k by rebidding trades that came in higher than market rate. Hughes Marino was able to collaborate with Back’s Construction to complete the project on time and under budget.
Service Provided
Hughes Marino provided complete project management services, ranging from design and permitting to selection of the general contractor, project pricing, construction activity management, and the coordination of client vendors.
Project Details
Square Feet - 10,000 SF
Contract Amount - Not Disclosed
General Contractor - Back's Construction
Architect - Perkins + Will
Project Categories
Industry - Professional Services
Amenities - Dining Area, Kitchen
Project Type - Corporate Office, Tenant Improvement