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Our September 2018 HM Mini Goal–Perform a Random Act of Kindness

By John Jarvis

Environmentally Conscious Hughes Marino Mini Goalers!

I can say that because I know you are, because you said you would, so I know you did. Right? Remember? The August Mini Goal was to protect our environment, and I am here to report that people did some cool things.

Elizabeth Carvalho donated to the Living Coast Discovery Center which maintains the life and health of San Diego Bay’s native animals and plants on one of the few remaining salt marsh wetlands on the Pacific Coast. Our friend Angela did a whole lot to help our environment this month, from carpooling to work, reducing use of plastic water bottles, and gardening with mulch! Way to go, Angela!

I am also here to confess that I almost didn’t get it done this month. I had such big ideas! I was going to attend a Carlsbad City Council meeting with the Surfrider Foundation to protest offshore oil drilling. I was going to volunteer with HandsOn San Diego on a Headwaters Habitat Restoration in support of the San Diego River Park Foundation. I was going to volunteer to pour beer at the 22nd annual Stone Brewery Anniversary at CSU San Marcos. What does that have to do with the environment? They donate 100% of their profit to local non-profits, including Surfrider, where they are the single largest donor to the local chapter!

Instead, on the last weekend of the month, I headed down to our local beach with dogs in tow and spent a few hours picking up trash. Does that count? Does it matter?

Yes it counts. In the words of Howard Schultz, everything matters! (And how cool is it to think about all the great things people are doing in our communities?)

OK, but that was stressful. I almost forgot to do what I said I would do. Thank goodness September will be easier. That’s right, September’s Mini Goal is once again:

Wildcard! We get to choose—it doesn’t get any easier than that!  

Our only guide is Hughes Marino Core Value #8, Generously Give to Others. Maybe choose to perform another random act of kindness. Maybe choose to recognize the ordinary heroes all around us. Maybe send us a photo. Remember to tag us on social media with #hmminigoals!

Do it early, don’t forget. Knock it out and avoid the stress. That’s my plan.

This is how we grow.

John Jarvis is a managing director at Hughes Marino, a global corporate real estate advisory firm that specializes in representing tenants and buyers. Contact John at 1-844-662-6635 or john@hughesmarino.com to learn more.

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