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Spaces We Love: LEARN Academy’s Open and Collaborative Space

By Star Hughes-Gorup

Since one of our Core Values at Hughes Marino is to pursue growth and learning, we love seeing this value in action, especially in workspaces and in classrooms! LEARN Academy’s space is no exception! LEARN Academy prepares students for the real-life aspects of a job in web development and ensures their students are supported and able to connect with future employers. Their space in the heart of downtown is modern and inspiring, and nurtures the next generation of web developers to engage in courses that help to make their visions and dreams a reality!

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Located in the Union Cowork building, LEARN’s office features perfect workspace environments for students to learn the savvy world of web development. The rooms have wraparound glass windows that allow natural light to flood into the space. Students can enjoy the activity of the bustling streets below all while collaborating with one another over projects.

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One room features comfortable couches and a large white wall where lessons and presentations are projected. This spot is perfect for discussion and collaboration amongst students, as well as instructors. As part of LEARN’s software development boot camp, students are also able to complete internships at local tech companies!

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LEARN’s space also features modern décor, furniture and fun pops of color to foster an environment that fuels creativity and discussion. In our modern world where technology is critical to all businesses, LEARN Academy is paving the way for the new era of web developers and their space is the perfect spot for students to thrive. Congratulations to LEARN Academy and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for your company and your students!

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Star Hughes-Gorup is executive managing director at Hughes Marino, a global corporate real estate advisory firm that specializing in representing tenants and buyers. Star is a key member of Hughes Marino’s brokerage team, where she specializes in tenant representation and building purchases. Star also makes frequent media appearances to speak on business issues from a millennial perspective, and regularly writes for Hughes Marino’s “Spaces We Love” blog. Contact Star at 1-844-662-6635, or star@hughesmarino.com.

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