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2018 HM Mini Goals–The Year of Generously Giving to Others

By John Jarvis

Steadfast Hughes Marino Mini Goalers!

We had a fantastic run with the 2017 HM Mini Goals program at Hughes Marino. It has been so encouraging to see clients and friends join in alongside our teammates as we strive to be impeccable with our word twelve times a year (and have some fun in the process).

For 2018 we are going to shake things up a bit, and bring a focus to one of our most important Core Values. Be sure to read to the end to see the January Mini Goal. But first, a story.

Hughes Marino San Francisco


The horrific tragedy at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on October 1, 2017, hit very close to home. Four of our beloved Hughes Marino team members were present that night, and each of them has their own story about surviving through the unthinkable trauma. You may have seen our very own Briana Waris on the news, as she decided to take a risk, step forward and share her story with the news media. She doesn’t usually seek out the spotlight, but she had something important to say.

And here is what she said. In each interview, her message was the same—yes, it was horrible, unthinkable, yet in the midst of that chaos she was amazed by the selfless acts of love and compassion by so many strangers, a family who helped her, people who helped others, people who stepped forward at great personal peril to give aid and comfort to those in need. In the midst of our darkest night, Briana noticed the light of human kindness all around her. Wow. Thanks Briana.

Inspired by the events of that night, Briana asked if we might use the mini goals program in 2018 to highlight the great things that ordinary people do every day, the heroes among us, and to encourage random acts of kindness as she had witnessed.

So in 2018 we are going to focus our mini goals on our Core Value #8—Generously give to others.

Here is how it will work. Each month will have a designated theme. Our team of intrepid mini goalers will be tasked to pay kindness forward and/or “give generously” to an organization or an individual in each of our communities, someone who is making the world a better place. There are different ways to “give,” so feel free to donate your time, your talent or your treasure, and then share your story with us on social media. Each month Hughes Marino will pick one of these stories and make a financial contribution to support the heroes in our midst.

Simple stuff, good fun.

For stepping forward and sharing their stories, each in their own way, and for reminding us to notice the day-to-day heroes all around us, the Hughes Marino Mini Goals for 2018 are dedicated to Briana, Elizabeth, Dean and his wife Jane, and to all Good Samaritans around us.

Are you ready for an uplifting year of kindness and generosity? Below are the easy steps on how to play along with us!

Email “I’m In!” to minigoals@hughesmarino.com. We will email you at the beginning of each month reminding you of the goal!

Follow us on social media. We will share photos of our HM family accomplishing our inspiring goals, as well as yours.

Tag your photos with #hmminigoals and #hughesmarino. No social media? No problem! You can also email your photos to minigoals@hughesmarino.com to participate.

Without further ado, here are the HM Mini Goals for 2018:

1. January: Wildcard–Perform a random act of kindness!
2. February: Appreciate our first responders
3. March: Honor our Veterans
4. April: Take care of kids
5. May: Show some love to seniors
6. June: Wildcard–you choose!
7. July: Feed the hungry
8. August: Protect our environment
9. September: Wildcard–You choose!
10. October: Acknowledge our heroes
11. November: Support the arts
12. December: Wildcard–Perform another random act of kindness!

We can’t wait to see how you uplift the lives of others with acts of kindness and generosity. Be sure to tag your photos with #hmminigoals, and share your photos with us by emailing them to minigoals@hughesmarino.com. Thank you for joining us this year to support our mission to make a positive, lasting impact on the communities that we call home!

John Jarvis is a managing director at Hughes Marino, a global corporate real estate advisory firm that specializes in representing tenants and buyers. Contact John at 1-844-662-6635 or john@hughesmarino.com to learn more.

hughes marino 2017 mini goals year of accomplishments in the books
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2017 HM Mini Goals–A Year of Accomplishments in the Books

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