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What Enjoying The Journey Means To Hughes Marino

Our culture is everything to us at Hughes Marino. Without the family-like harmony of our team, which is gently guided by our core values, we wouldn’t be able to give our all to our clients each and every day. In fact, our core values were created in part to help us to remember to enjoy the journey (HM core value #3), both personally and professionally.

Over the years we have amassed more than 1,000 photos of our hardworking and absolutely lovable team members enjoying their own journeys in life. These journeys have included weddings, new homes and new babies. They’ve included golf tournaments and relay races for charity. They’ve taken us on journeys of philanthropy and community service. They have spanned the globe (6 continents and counting) from Mount Rushmore to the Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Peru, and Sydney, Australia – and we know that we’re only just beginning.

What makes these journeys so overwhelmingly special, as you’ll notice in this beautiful video, is that Hughes Marino has been a part of each journey in our own little way, even if it’s merely our name on a t-shirt or a ball cap.

It reminds me exactly why we do what we do. We are much more than a team of professionals working towards a common goal of advocating for our clients. We are a team who loves what we do, loves who we do it with, and loves enjoying the journey.

And for that we’re incredibly grateful.

Shay Hughes is president & COO of Hughes Marino, an award-winning commercial real estate company specializing in tenant representation and building purchases with offices across the nation. Shay writes about business leadership and company culture on her blog, Lead from Within. Contact Shay at 1-844-662-6635 or shay.hughes@hughesmarino.com to learn more.

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