Hughes Marino is pleased to announce that the Melvin Garb Hillel Center at SDSU has earned “Gold” level certification through the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program. The goal of Hughes Marino’s Construction Management team when overseeing this project was to earn a minimum LEED certification of Silver. We’re incredibly pleased that our work on the project helped earn the Center enough credits to be awarded Gold certification.
Some of the features of the Melvin Garb Hillel Center that helped it to earn LEED Gold certification include an energy efficient HVAC system, energy efficient appliances, the use of sustainable and recycled materials in construction, and a photovoltaic system (solar panels) on the roof.
As a result of these sustainable features, the Melvin Garb Hillel Center will enjoy lower operating costs over the life of the building, conservation of water, power and electricity, tax rebates, and improved health and safety of occupants.
Hughes Marino’s role in this project was to oversee the construction of the 10,500 square foot building. The Melvin Garb Hillel Center, which houses a library, student work area, multipurpose room, offices for administrative staff, full living room/entertainment area, and a kosher kitchen, has been open to SDSU students and staff for several months.
Hughes Marino’s Construction Management team is very proud that we were able to exceed the goals of our client, while providing an environmentally conscious space for the community to use and enjoy. Results such as these make our work incredibly rewarding.