Specializing in Helping Tenants Share in
the Equity Their Leases & Occupancies Create

As another testament to our dedication to serving commercial tenants, we are proud to offer the expertise of our Hughes Marino Corporate Finance Group, which specializes in cultivating tenant real estate equity strategies so the credit tenant can share in the equity it is creating in the buildings it occupies. Our negotiation strategies apply to lease renewals, relocations, building purchases and more.

hughes marino corporate finance group details


Our Belief

We believe that firms with strong balance sheets should be equal financial partners with their landlord in virtually any real estate project that they consider occupying, whether it’s an existing lease renewal or an office relocation.

Winning Equity Structures

By applying risk-adjusted return metrics comprehensively to tenant real estate, we work with our tenant clients to determine the tenant’s unique impact on real estate equity. This ultimately creates “win-win-equal” equity structures for the tenant and its chosen landlord partners.

Results We Achieve

Hughes Marino’s “shared equity” approach to tenant leasing and to tenant real estate results in meaningfully improved cash value and P&L results versus traditional leasing. The credit tenant enjoys a wholesale space cost structure—typically +25% less expensive on a cash basis and +20% less on a book basis than paying fully negotiated “market” space prices.


hughes marino corporate finance group results we achieve2

Details We Take Into Consideration

  • Cost of Capital / Hurdle Rate / Discount Rate

  • Time Value of Money

  • Credit Impact on Risk Spread

  • Capitalization Rates & Leverage

  • Yield, Equity Terminal Value, MOIC

  • Risk Adjusted Returns

  • NPV Cash, P&L & Balance Sheet Impacts per GAAP [ASC-842]

  • Impacts on Enterprise Value & Equity Value

hughes marino corporate finance group winning equity structures


Hughes Marino is uniquely positioned on a national basis with a corporate finance group exclusively focused on providing lease equity returns benefiting the consumer of real estate space—the tenant—while virtually all other firms focus primarily on the supplier or investor returns. We look forward to partnering with your company to help unlock the true value of the equity of your leased real estate.

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