Posts by Shay Hughes
Small Things That Make a Big Impact on Strengthening Your Company Culture
Shay Hughes on October 23, 2024

No one will dispute that a lot has changed about the way we work over the last few years. It’s been a bit of a roller-coaster, with people initially loving the freedom to work from home, then not loving it so much as the novelty wore off due to isolation and missing the in-person
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The Building Blocks of a Strong Team Begin with a Strong Foundation

Hughes Marino Coaches: Powerful Coaching Stories That Inspire High-Performing Teams

Positive Affirmations: A Simple and Powerful Tool to Foster a Positive Mindset

Injecting Color Into The Office: The Art of Color Psychology

Inspired By The Pyramid of Success

Maintaining Company Culture While Navigating Change and Growing the Company Footprint

Injecting Joy Into The Office: The Art of Self-Care for Your Team

From Humble Beginnings to President of a NYSE Public Company

Lifestyle Inspiration You Need: Check Out Our Newest HM-isms

Jesse Itzler Shares What it Means to be a “Spiritual Billionaire”

How a Global Pandemic Helped Create an Even Stronger Culture Than Before

Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author Jesse Itzler Shares Top Success Tips with Hughes Marino

Hughes Marino Denver: An Inside Look at our Newest Team & Office

Shay Hughes
Shay Hughes is president & COO of Hughes Marino, an award-winning commercial real estate company specializing in tenant representation and building purchases with offices across the nation. Shay writes about business leadership and company culture on her blog, Lead from Within. Contact Shay at 1-844-662-6635 or shay.hughes@hughesmarino.com to learn more.