We are in the home stretch of 2024 with ten months of goals accomplished in our 2024 HM Mini Goal Program. In October, our goal was to send a note of gratitude, and we were moved by the photos of letters you sent to thank those who have inspired and encouraged you. We’re sure the recipients were incredibly appreciative!
Shifting into November and the season of Thanksgiving, we wanted to include a goal to encourage kindness and spread cheer. This month, our mini goal is to complete a random act of kindness, and we can’t wait to see the amount of positivity that radiates from this HM Mini Goal, which might be our favorite one yet!
Whether you do this on a small or large scale is up to you, but there is nothing more fulfilling than doing something kind for others. You can start small by bringing in a coffee for a coworker you appreciate, paying for the person in line behind you, or adding time on an expired parking meter. There are so many ways to interpret this month’s mini goal, and we can’t wait to see what you do with it. One thing is certain: you’ll get back much more than you give.
After you’ve completed your random act (or acts!) of kindness, we encourage you to snap a photo and share it with our team by sending it to minigoals@hughesmarino.com. We’ll be sure to share your photos on social media, in hopes that we can inspire even more random acts of kindness as we go. We can’t wait to see what you to around your communities.
Here are some of the photos of the ways you shared your gratitude!

Enjoy the journey spreading cheer in November!