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September HM Mini Goal – Go for a Bike Ride

Fall is approaching as we are reaching month nine of our 2024 HM Mini Goal Program. Our August goal was to take a sunset walk with a friend, and we loved seeing the stunning sunsets you shared throughout the month!

This month’s HM Mini Goal is a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as the air begins to get a little more crisp and the leaves begin to change around the country. We are going for a bike ride!

There is something special about the pace of a bike ride: faster than hiking so we cover much more ground, not so fast that we miss all the delightful details along familiar roadways that can be missed when speeding by in a car. We explore back roads and discover where they lead without the need for a specific destination. We feel more connected with the world around us—the fresh air, the trees, the birds overhead. This month, commit to taking a ride and rediscovering that childlike joy. Maybe you can replace a trip you normally take by car with a bike ride instead—to breakfast, the gym or the store. If you’re already an avid cyclist, select a new route to explore—or a more challenging distance. Or you can try mountain biking and enjoy the added sensory experience of riding in the woods. Biking is also a great group activity—take this opportunity to invite your partner or friends for a weekend ride along the coast and experience that joy together. And you don’t need to own a bike to join in. You can rent a bike from a local bike shop or a gym, or borrow a friend’s.

After you’ve accomplished our goal for September, don’t forget to tag #hmminigoals on your social media channels, and email your photos to minigoals@hughesmarino.com and we’ll share your photos on social media. We’re eager to see the rides you take this month!

As mentioned, here are some of the photos of the sunset walks taken in August!

August Mini Goal Image 1
Members of our LA team took a group hike to enjoy the sunset at Will Rogers State Historic Park!
August Mini Goal Image 2
From coast to coast, our team enjoyed their sunset walks! Greg Paugh took his son on a walk on a trip to the Jersey Shore to meet family, and Jackie Szymborski took in the sunset views on a walk at Chrissy Field in San Francisco!
August Mini Goal Image 3
Team members Liz Harris, Mack Bonebrake and Art Green all took strolls on the water this past month – from Maui to San Diego to Northern Michigan!
August Mini Goal Image 4
Sunset walks with some of the best friends of all! Team members John Jarvis and Brenna Palmer both took their pups for evening walks to soak in the August sunsets.

There’s still time to join us in our 2024 HM Mini Goals Program! Here’s a recap of how to participate alongside us!

  1. Email “I’m In!” to minigoals@hughesmarino.com.
  2. Follow us on social media!
  3. Review the mini goal and create a visible reminder.
  4. Put the mini goal into action.
  5. Share your involvement on social media using #hmminigoals and email your photos to minigoals@hughesmarino.com!

Enjoy the journey!

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